

According to Webster’s dictionary, ‘‘A hypocrite is someone who acts in a way that goes against what he or she claims to believe.’’ Or it’s someone who fails to give a true notion or impression they are fake or false. I have written about a hypocrite I know and that is evidence I am a hypocrite too and I am not that person, I don’t want to be like them who pretends and lies. I have morals, virtues and I believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit the Lord the giver of life the flesh, the word that is dwelt among us and I have principles which are built upon my values and those values and beliefs I am trying to teach my children.

Now, I know I am not perfect I have sinned, and I have done some things that I am not proud of but this I know of me, the things I have done and am continuously being punished for is not intentional my intentions were not meant to hurt anyone but to see correctness and to see a person grow because their conduct didn’t represent or honor God, it seemed to honor their own ego.

“In order to discover the character of people we have only to observe what they love.”

St. Augustine

This person may offer people love, peace, support, encouragement, and words of truth from God but what I have witnessed and experienced is something totally opposite and this makes me very sad and disappointed every time I hear about another person’s encounter or time spent. Why am I treated differently? Why don’t I ever experience the safe community of love? Why can’t I bring my children to say hi? On my wedding day I vowed to accept children lovingly from God which I did, I have tried to bring them both up in accordance with the law of Christ and his Church but when you are treated with disrespect and unkindness it makes it very hard. God is love, peace and deep down we all know he wants us all to be united here on earth as it is in heaven. God is never jealous, boastful, conceited, rude, selfish nor does he take offence. Rather, God is patient, kind and is ready to excuse, to forgive and show mercy, why can’t we show mercy, accept people for what they are, forgive them and release them from the chains that bind them to sin?

I love this quote from Saint Rose of Lima, “We must not fail to help our neighbors, because in them we serve Jesus.” How beautiful, how inspiring it’s time to stop failing and love one another, to bear with one another. My actions do not mean to cause division or to cause harm but to say hey! That is enough, stop rejecting and excluding it is our mission to carry on the work of Jesus and it is our mission to bring words of love, joy, peace, kindness into the hearts of all those who cross our path and enter our lives. I felt as though the church was a mother and if I do not have the church as a mother than I do not have God as a Father and why would you allow a person to go without its parents, a safe place, or a home.

Writing this and sharing this seems pointless but as Saint Augustine says, “he who is filled with love, is filled with God himself.”

May God Bless always, Women of Faith and Hope.

Written and created by My Mother Rose.

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September 2024

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