Monday, 30 December 2024



“No knowledge is ever wasted.”

Ben Carson

I am a big believer that life has lessons for us all. Lessons such as being patient, being kind always, being honest and taking responsibility for our own happiness. Life has also taught me to not sweat the small stuff because some things are out of my control but in the hands of God. I have also learnt the art of finding peace in certain situations and being grateful for everyone in my life, my adventures and all the things I possess.

In the middle of last year, I decided to go back, and study and I was looking through all my transcripts from Tafe and Uni and I couldn’t fathom the number of subjects I have studied throughout the years. I really do have a passion for learning, learning everything I can, at any time I can and from anyone I can.

As a mum I never realised that children learn and copy everything you do and that is a wake-up call to be a great example that life teaches us, and we learn from our experiences. I am not perfect; I often fail, and things don’t come to me easily. I work very hard to get the things I want in life.  

But I think the most important thing to teach them is composure because as I said before some things are out of our control. We can’t control other people, and we often don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

Each one of us as lessons to learn so remember to never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.

What are you going to learn in 2025?

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”


May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson

Thursday, 12 December 2024


Joyful People of Integrity


This Sunday we are to become joyful people of integrity.

“In the house of God there is never ending festival; the angel choir makes eternal holiday; the presence of God’s face gives joy that never fails.”

Saint Augustine

During the week I watched the movie Mary on Netflix, and I wanted to say it was a beautiful movie and one I recommend watching.

I wonder what the festival will be like in heaven, will there be music? Will there be chips and chocolate? Also, who will be there celebrating, dancing and shouting for joy?

We know for certain on a day of festival that God will be there exulting with joy over us, renewing us by his love, dancing and shouting for joy for us.

Zephaniah 3:14-18

We do not need to be fearful for he is truly present and near to us all and I know that sometimes it’s hard to comprehend that presence of God and to trust with all your heart, soul and strength. But he is near and all he wants is for us to be happy and to share that happiness and joy with others because why should we keep it to ourselves?

We have been talking a lot about integrity and Spiritual integrity is where our values are aligned with the words we speak and the actions we take. In fact, spiritual integrity is the same as goodness which is one of the fruits of the Spirit.

 So, what must we do?

“The saints were not superhuman. They were people who loved God in their hearts, and who shared this joy with others.”

Saint Rose of Lima

I think this is a question we need to contemplate and pray about this week because we are all directed by the Spirit in different ways and we all have different perspectives and understanding and that’s ok.

For now, let us put on our own festival, dance, eat and shout for joy.

“The soul of the one who serves God always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing.”

Saint John of the Cross

May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Written and created by Katie Robinson


Thursday, 5 December 2024

Peace 2024

 May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose.

Created by Katie Robinson 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

The Cloak of the Integrity of God


This Sunday we are to put the cloak of the integrity of God around us.

‘Peace through integrity, and honour through devotedness.’

Baruch 5:1-9

The cloak of the integrity of God reminds me of Joseph and his beautiful coat which is a gift given to him by his father Jacob also known as Israel. We seek many things in this life, happiness, acceptance, love, worth, appreciation, acknowledgement and peace. A peace where there is no more suffering, worries or anxieties, you only feel loved, safe and calm.

I reread the story of Joseph he suffered greatly, his brothers were jealous, they sold him as a slave far away in Egypt. But there was something special about Joseph. God watched over him because he had a particular plan for his life. I bet if we looked deeply within ourselves, we may re
alise the vision God has for our lives.

Sometimes, it feels like nothing goes my way no matter how hard I work or try but when I read the story of Joseph and put the cloak of integrity of God around my shoulders, I am reminded to push aside the insults, rejections, work on my jealousy and anger, and learn to forgive. There are still some people and circumstances that I find hard to let go of because I am not ready to forgive them or the situation. Everyday though God shows up by taking care of us, by watching over us like he watched over Joseph.

We are asked to prepare a way for Jesus to come into our lives, but I believe that Jesus prepares a way for us, he hears our cries, he makes our paths straight, all the roads we travel are made smooth and he shows us the path of integrity.

We want the salvation of God that is promised to us, and we all need peace in our lives, but it comes down to these questions what are we willing to do to be at peace? How far are we willing to go to be at peace?

I will leave you with this quote.

 ‘It boils down to this: peace is your home; integrity is the way to it. And everything you long for will meet you there’.

Martha Beck

 May God Bless Always, Faith, Hope and Love by My Mother Rose

Written and created by Katie Robinson




  “People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them.” Au...